Sword and Sandals and Monsters Month concludes this week on Monster Kid Radio with guest Alan Tromp when he joins Derek to discuss 1961's Goliath and the Vampires (dir. Sergio Corbucci, Giacomo Gentilomo) . . . after Alan gives us a brief trip report from NecronomiCon Providence 2017. After Derek puts away his loincloth (it will be back next year!), he invites filmmaker Christopher R. Mihm to the show to talk about the upcoming premiere of his new film, Demon with the Atomic Brain!
Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657)
Email: monsterkidradio@gmail.com
H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival & Cthulhu Con - http://www.hplfilmfestival.com/
Demon with the Atomic Brain - http://demonwiththeatomicbrain.com/
Saint Euphoria - http://www.sainteuphoria.com/
Classic Horrors Club - https://classichorrors.wordpress.com/
Classic Horrors Club Podcast - https://downrightcreepy.com/podcast/classic-horrors-club/
Countdown to Halloween 2017 - http://countdowntohalloween.blogspot.com/
The Lovecraft Covenant - https://www.lovecraftcovenant.com/
(.mp3s of every episode of Monster Kid Radio is available for download at our barebones behind-the-scenes website at http://monsterkidradio.libsyn.com)

Journeying through the Mihmiverse with Steven Turek

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